
Rahab—A Name Redeemed

Rahab of Jericho~ the best known of the primary characters in THE STONES OF GILGAL novels. How odd—since she is a foreigner, a Canaanite girl, joining a cast of six young Israelites. Although the lives of these six Israelites impacted the future of their nation in significant ways, their stories lie buried beneath the dust of time. Othniel, Acsah and […]

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Warriors needed. Armed and ready

“Some people call us victims. Some call us survivors. I like the term warriors.” Matt Sandusky stated yesterday at the “Not A Target” symposium for the prevention of child sexual abuse in Sonora, California. Victim. Yes, sadly, for nine years. Survivor, yes, in spite of trying to escape his personal hell through risky behaviors and eventually an […]

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